An Update on the Renovation Plan
We are getting closer and closer to our target amount, now revised to £97,000. At the time of writing, we still have a small number of pipes still needing to find a sponsor. They vary in price through the following range: £ 250, £350 £400, £500, £550 and £650. If you would like to take on sponsorship of one of these remaining pipes, as an individual/family or organisation, please do get in touch to discuss.
I reported previously that we need to have scaffolding erected at the rear of the organ. This could be costly! Is there anyone who might be able to provide this, or who knows someone who might be able to help provide such a service??
As we near the final stages of our fund-raising campaign, I would like to say to all those who have been so very generous in sponsoring pipes and who have made donations to the general costs already, a HUGE thank you. During the next month, I will be sending out your sponsorship certificates in recognition of your valuable contributions.
We were hoping to sign contracts soon, but there is a slight delay and an obstacle to overcome as we await the outcome of our Faculty Application, giving permission from the Diocese for the work to take place. Shortly a notice will be displayed in the church outlining the application. We then have a 28-day waiting period during which time people may raise objections to the work. At the end of that period, we should be ‘good to go’ with work unlikely to start before Christmas.
Philip Sell St Mary’s Director of Music (01544 239357)