Prayer and outreach lie at the heart of what we do, giving thanks to God for his blessings to us and to all of creation and bringing before him the needs of our communities in the wider world.
Our worship in the Kington Parishes is designed to be welcoming and inclusive, encouraging and offering as many people as possible to have their own opportunity to touch the divine.
Occasional Services
In addition to the regular worship in each of our Parishes, on the fifth Sunday in the month we join together as one family for a Group Eucharist at 10.00am which rotates around each Church in turn. In the evening we join together in a different Church for a Choral Evensong with our Benefice Choir to lead the singing.
In response to the needs of our communities we also hold occasional services.
To access our live streamed Services, please click HERE
Our Forthcoming services are listed below.
Please refer to the Calendar page for the timing of Services and key events.