Reader Writes, September 2016

Like many others, I hope, I'm enjoying a cargo of ideas and feelings and refreshment having had some holiday. There were lots of things to remember but the common ingredients were enjoying family, staying with old friends, being outdoors a lot, and marvelling at the beauties of the creation around us.

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Rob MacCurrach
Reader Writes, August 2016

The old king slowly and sadly paced the terrace of his summer palace in the cool and quiet of the early morning. Only the swifts screamed and the martins busied themselves in and out of the palace eves. His heart was heavy, but it was the law of the land. Why had he agreed to a people's referendum?

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Rob MacCurrach
Reader Writes, July 2016

At our Queen's birthday Communion in June Ben preached from the text where the Pharisees set a trap for Jesus by asking him whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar; if no, then he would be denounced for treason, and if yes, then he would be denounced to his own people for disloyalty

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Rob MacCurrach